Photo Gallery: Renovation of Church Interior, 2023-2024

More than thirty years after the last renovation of the interior of St. Francis Church, the parish, prompted by crumbling plaster, electrical issues, lighting and sound concerns, and fraying carpets, made the decision to move forward with another renovation. This large project began in July 2023. This gallery of photos includes a few introductory images of the church before the project began, other images of the temporary space in Assisi Hall that was used for liturgies during the renovation, and others of the project in progress (more photos will be added as the work continues). Credit for the photos belongs to Jeremy Bailey, Nancy Hanna, and James Dutton.

Click or tap on the image below to start. To navigate to other pictures, click or tap the left or right side of the image (or use the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard). Click or tap outside the photo (or press the escape key) to close the image window. To obtain a copy of an image, contact the Webmaster.

Click image to start 2023 slideshow
(19 images total)

Click image to start 2024 slideshow
(41 images total)

The renovation was carried out by Harman Construction of Harrisonburg, Virginia, and the company has given permission for St. Francis to include the two videos below: one of the construction in progress, the other of the finished project. Below the videos is a link to two slideshows, again included with the approval of Harman.

Link to slideshows, the first made up of photos of the project in progress, the second of the completed renovation. Click or tap the first image to begin the slideshow.

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Today in the Church’s calendar: Lenten Weekday. Mass at 12 noon.


Date: Ongoing

Lent at St. Francis

Lent at St. Francis

See the homepage of this site for a schedule of Lenten events at St. Francis. more less

Date: Ongoing

Adult Faith Formation on Sundays

Adult Faith Formation meets Sundays at 10 a.m. in Assisi Hall, coffee and snacks provided. All are welcome. more less

Date: Ongoing

Church renovation photos

A gallery of photos of the renovation of the interior of St. Francis Church has been posted on this website. As of July 11, 2024, two videos from Harman Construction (which carried out the renovation project) have been added. One shows the renovation in progress, the other, the finished project. There is another gallery with photos of the blessing of the font and the dedication of the new altar held on September 1. more less

Date: Ongoing

Interior renovation of St. Francis

It has been over 30 years since the inside of our beautiful church has been renovated, and your gift will enable us to restore and reimagine a church interior that maintains the focus on Our Lord Jesus and His Sacraments. This will be a renovation that fixes problems caused by walls’ deteriorations a few years back, long-ago created problems based on previous modifications, and long-term wear and tear associated with age. Floors and walls, plaster and paint, lighting and sound, better accessibility and better use of the existing space we already have are important parts of this transforming campaign. Your gift gives us an exciting possibility to move forward as a parish. One-time gifts or pledges for a 3- or 5-year period are welcome and can be made at this site. more less

Date: Ongoing

Chamber organ at St. Francis

Chamber organ at St. Francis

Soon after the renovation of the St. Francis Church interior began in July 2023, a chamber (or digital) organ, built by a talented and generous parishioner, was installed in Assisi Hall. The instrument was used for Masses held in the hall, and is now in use in the renovated church. For a description of the organ, images of it, and more information on digital organs, visit the music section of the parish website. more less

Date: Ongoing

Youth Group at St. Francis

All St. Francis teenagers are invited to join our Youth Group as we explore and strengthen our faith together. Meetings are typically Tuesdays after the 5:30 p.m. Mass, and there are also weekend social events throughout the year. Grab a slice of pizza and have real discussions with other teens in relaxed and fun way. more less

Date: Ongoing

Morning Prayer sung each Monday and Thursday

Morning Prayer sung each Monday and Thursday

The St. Francis Schola leads the office of Morning Prayer, including beautiful, contemplative psalm melodies, every Monday and Thursday at 7 a.m. in the church. Parishioners are invited to start the day off with the official prayers of the universal Church. more less

Date: Ongoing

Legacy gifts to a parish...and a free will as well

Legacy gifts reveal our faith to our community as a witness of God’s great love for us. The Catholic Community Foundation of the Diocese of Richmond is excited about its partnership with FreeWill and the valuable legacy giving resources they provide for parishes, schools, and campus ministries. Through these resources, including an online Will platform, the Foundation can ensure that all practicing Catholics have an updated Will with a parish, school, and/or ministry named as a beneficiary or beneficiaries. In August, the CCF raised $1,366,000 in bequests through FreeWill for parishes and schools using FreeWill! Parishioners across the diocese used FreeWill’s platform to create their Will and named their parish and/or a school as a beneficiary. As of December 31, there were $12,000,000 in bequests through FreeWill. No one imagined just how many people would use the FreeWill platform to create their Will. It really is a testament to the statistic that more than 67% of Americans do not have a Will. Find out more at the website. more less

Date: Ongoing

Formed: Catholic content on the web

With a subscription to “Formed,” every St. Francis parishioner has 24/7 access to the best Catholic content on any device, including your computer, smartphone, and tablet with internet access. “Formed” offers video programs that explain the Catholic faith, explore the deepest meaning of marriage, receive Bible studies on a variety of topics, and listen to inspiring audio talks. Presenters include Dr. Tim Gray, Dr. Edward Sri, Dr. Mary Healey, Chris Stefanick, Dr. Scott Hahn, Bishop Robert Barron, and many more. It is very easy to begin your free subscription to “Formed”: Go to Under “How would you like to sign up?” select “I belong to a Parish or Organization.” Enter the parish code: VVW3G4. Enter your name and email address, and that’s it. more less