Music at St. Francis

The Choirs

In January 2023 Dr. Benjamin Geier became the Director of Music at St. Francis Church. He holds degrees in Choral Conducting and Vocal Performance from the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University. Since arriving at St. Francis, he has established an adult choir that sings at the 8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass as well as a youth choir that sings at the 11:30 liturgy. He also acts as director of the parish youth group.

The Organ

During the renovation of the interior of the church, which began in July 2023, Masses took place in Assisi Hall, located adjacent to the church. A parishioner built a “chamber organ” to support the choir and congregation in the liturgy during the period of the renovation. The builder of the instrument has written an article about this organ, with accompanying photos and details of its design; also included is an introduction to how digital organs work, plus examples of them in use. Once the renovation was completed in May 2024, the chamber organ was moved to the church to serve as a replacement for the 1910 Carl Barckoff pipe organ, which was in use until 2023.