Volunteers make community events happen at St. Francis. Among the gatherings each year is the reception held following the Easter Vigil to honor those who entered the Church at the liturgy.
Ministries: Community Life
To contact the coordinator of each ministry listed below, login to (or sign up for) Flocknote. Contact information is also available from the parish office by email or phone at 540-886-2262.
- Baking for Parish Events: Volunteer as needed to bake cookies and other goodies at home for parish events—usually one to three times during the year..
- Bazaar Committee: Help by planning, creating, collecting and/or baking items for our annual bazaar, held the Saturday before Thanksgiving. It is a great way to raise funds for the church, make friends, and learn new skills. There are craft workshops throughout the year to learn how to make items to give as gifts and also sell at the bazaar.
- Collection Counters: Counters work together as a team of three members to sort, reconcile, and deposit the Saturday and Sunday first and second collections. Volunteer counters must be approved by the Pastor. Contact Claire Henke at the parish if you are interested or have questions. Ministry Coordinator: Nancy Hanna.
- Funeral Receptions: Help organize and host a light meal or reception in Assisi Hall for family and friends after a funeral. Volunteers may be asked to provide salad or dessert or to set up, order food, or serve and clean up. This ministry is valued and needed and is greatly appreciated by the bereaved.
- Hospitality: Do you like celebrations and love to be involved in planning them? Or would you be available to provide an appetizer, cheese tray, veggie tray, or your most delicious recipe? You would be perfect to help with parish social events! It is on an as-needed, as-available basis. Ministry Coordinator: Nancy Hanna.
- Parish Library: The parish library is a teaching tool, important to study for the community of St. Francis of Assisi. The library supports the mission of the church in the education and formation of all parishioners in the living tradition of the Catholic Faith, the evangelization of others who wish to join the Church, as well as the growth of individual members’ faith. The Christian, in his study of the Bible, needs the information, discoveries, examples, and distilled ideas found in books and other multi-media tools.
A well-selected collection of books, periodicals, DVDs, CDs, and other materials may be used to aid in the educational growth needs of the St. Francis community in the following ways:
- Make available value-based materials for all members: children, young adults, and adults.
- Supplement religious books in the home.
- Provide supplemental material for CCD programs.
- Provide supplemental material for Adult Education programs.
- Picnic Committee: We gather as a parish once a year for Mass, and for lunch, games, and fellowship. Those of you who attend know that it is a lot of fun, and more helping hands make for a successful day. If you have ideas that you would like to share, or if you would like to be part of this much-appreciated effort, we start gathering ideas a few months before to finalize the plan and make the picnic an outstanding and enjoyable event. Ministry Coordinator: Amanda Hayes.
Former parish librarian Angie McFarland reshelves some books in the Margaret McDougall Library, located on the second floor of the Ministry Center.