Altar servers lead the procession down the aisle at the conclusion of Mass.
Ministries: Liturgy
- Altar Server: Assist the celebrant at Mass by carrying the processional cross or serving at the altar for one of the four weekend Masses and on holydays and other special occasions. Training sessions as announced. Ministry Coordinator: Andrew Dodge.
- Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion: Set up vessels for Mass, help distribute the Sacred Body or Blood at communion time, clean vessels after Mass. Ministry Coordinator: Liz D’Aquino.
- Reader: Commentators read greetings, prayers of the faithful, and announcements. They must look over the script before Mass starts. Lectors proclaim the two readings before the gospel with clear diction and expression. They prepare at home ahead of time using the St. Joseph Sunday Missal. Ministry Trainer: Angie McFarling.
- Usher: Greet parishioners and visitors, take up collections, and hand out bulletins at the Mass you attend. Ministry Coordinator: Priscilla Jenkins.

The members of the St. Francis Choir sing at the liturgies on Saturday evening and Sunday morning; volunteers use their voices and their mastery of musical instruments to lead the congregation in the worship of God.
Ministries: Music
The music ministry at St. Francis of Assisi provides opportunities for parishioners of various ages and abilities to participate in the wide variety of music found in the Catholic Church (see descriptions below). The music ministry is always seeking new members who love to sing or play an instrument. There are many opportunities to lift your voice in praise to God. Come share your gift!
- St. Francis Choir: Prior to 1989, St. Francis of Assisi Church had two choirs, a folk group and a traditional adult choir. That year the choirs joined together to form one group of musicians and vocalists. The hymns used in the Mass expanded dramatically at that time with the purchase of new traditional and contemporary hymnals that provided a wide range of hymnody found in the Catholic Church including ancient Gregorian chant and the most contemporary Catholic hymns. Since 1989, the members of the St. Francis choir have helped lead in music each of the four weekend Masses as well as the holydays throughout the year and also perform an hour of carols and music prior to the start of the Christmas Eve Solemn Midnight Mass. Dr. Benjamin Geier is the Director of Music.
- Children’s Choir: St. Francis Children’s Choir provides opportunities for children and youth of St. Francis to learn rudimentary skills in singing and reading music. The children then help to lead the congregation in song at special liturgies, primarily at Christmas, and may perform at other functions as available. Rehearsals are seasonal. Children, ages 6 through 17, are welcome regardless of ability.

At Christmas the Children’s Choir sings carols before the 5 p.m. Mass.