Mission Statement of St. Francis of Assisi Parish
”Preach the Gospel at all times, and—when necessary—use words.” (St. Francis of Assisi)
In communion with the Universal Church, the Parish Family of St. Francis of Assisi is entrusted by Christ Jesus to continue His saving mission in our time and place. In the spirit of our patron, Francis of Assisi, we wish to offer ourselves in union with Christ, who humbled Himself in order that we may have a share in His Divinity.
Aware of our rich Catholic tradition, we dedicate ourselves to praise God through the Church’s liturgy and prayer, and we commit ourselves to sharing the Gospel of Christ with all of God’s people in the following apostolates:
- the education and formation of all parishioners in the living tradition of the Catholic Faith
- the evangelization of others who wish to join the Church
- the works of charity, justice, and peace toward those in urgent need of Divine mercy
- the development of a called and gifted community of people who share their lives in the diverse ministries of the Church